About ePrep
ePrep helps students of all ability levels reach their educational goals by offering expert instruction in a way that is engaging, convenient, and student-adaptable. All of us at ePrep believe that master teachers, through their keen insights and broad experiences, are uniquely positioned to engage students as they impart the knowledge and strategies proven to maximize test scores.
Using a well established "test-grade-review" methodology and a proprietary online, video-based delivery platform, ePrep makes connecting with an expert affordable and possible — anytime and from virtually anywhere in the world.
System Requirements
Supported Internet Browsers:
Windows OS Users
- Microsoft Internet Explorer version 10 or higher
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
Mac OS Users
- Apple Safari
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
Internet Browsers not mentioned above are NOT currently supported and may not meet all requirements of your program.
Internet Browser Settings
Please refer to your browser's Help features to check these settings.
- Java Script should be enabled
- Cookies should be enabled
The most recent version of the following plug-ins are required for many of the resources available in your online courses:
Whitelist the following Urls:
- https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/*
- https://ajax.googleapis.com/*
- https://fonts.googleapis.com/*
- https://cdn-static.eprep.com/*
The videos are loaded from:
- https://video.eprep.com/*